Monday, June 02, 2008

¿Dónde vives?

Yes, so on the anniversary of our fourth week here, I'm finally releasing some pictures of where we live. :} So... This is the Vilasanta, yeay!

Front Door:

This is the main living room, on the left side you can't see it but there's a big flat screen tv where the football games are dutifully watched.
The big square window at the back is where the dining room is, and the kitchen is through the left door and to the left.
To the right is a little hallway leading to a little room

This is the living room at night.

This is the little room by the little halway. You can see the kitchen through the window and door there.

This, ladies and gentlemen, is the kitchen. A big loverly gass stove, a movable island table, all the tupperware and utensils you could want (well, ok, except you do not find lids to fit the tupperware, soooooo... that's fun).

And in the dining room is this...
I look at this every day at breakfast.
I love mexico.

The living room again from the upstairs veranda. Our room is actually the one right in the middle on the right side, you can just bairly see our door.

And this is the veranda. Loverly potted plants

Veranda again. The street below is Rayon.

And last but not least.
Same Dew, New view.

getting a haircut in Guadalajara: zero pesos (haha!)
getting a new feeling on my head when I swish my hair: priceless


Martin and Carma said...

The breakfast companion: "Déme sus copos de maíz. ¡Ahora!"

the green sharpie! said...

wow, it's so colorful! grandness...
at least the scary morning doll has a green dress on...that sorta helps. right? :P
I like your hair!! :D

Joshua said...

So it looks like you really are in Mexico. I think the doll is an illustration of what happens when you get mad cow disease. :)

Suzanne said...

The hair is fabulous ... the doll is no.

Karen said...

So, I posted on your other blog, not realizing this was the current one. Something along the lines of "why are you so angsty about teenagers?" Anyway, awesome pictures. I had a lot of fun when I was down in Mexico, though I was probably in a totally different area.